
这个名称来自20世纪60-70年代在北美和欧洲兴起的公民权利运动的一部分。有过精神科经历、或正在使用精神科药物/治疗的使用者、和精神科幸存者(受害者) ,意识到自己不是精神科治疗的被动接受者(受体),对于自己的治疗,自己应该掌握主动。一系列公民行动带出了幸存者(和使用者)们对精神医学的反思和批判,主体意识的提升——首先是人,然后才是病人。因此,幸存者们同时开始寻觅能替代精神医学的”另类“方法,真正对自己有效,真正的疗愈(healing),而不是治我(treatment)。

- 关于这场公民行动的历史,维基百科有详细地记录了。有志愿者做了翻译,请看[这里]。英文原文请点:[这里]



Doctor Tan Mad

A Doctor went ‘mad’ after being detained by police (UPDATED)

A Doctor (physician), Tan Qindong, who was detained by police due to writing an article online doubting about the effectiveness of a commercial product: Hongmao wine for medication, was now reported that he has suffered severe “psychiatric symptoms” yesterday, and has been committed to psychiatric hospital as he had isolated himself, self-hurting himself.

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An Case Involuntary Commitment

Case: Involuntary commitment only approved by friends

– in Guangzhou Baiyun Psychiatric Hospital, China

source in Chinese: @澎湃新聞 https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/landingshare?pageType=1&isBdboxFrom=1&context=%7B%22nid%22%3A%22news_9860056915052255597%22%7D

Translator: MDrights

This is an interesting case as it shows (again) the fact that it is still very easy to commit a so-called ‘patient’ to a psychiatric hospital in China, even today.

Lily, a woman with a diagnosis of depression, went to see psychiatrist in Baiyun Psychiatric Hospital ‘companied’ by her boyfriend’s colleagues. The psychiatrist made diagnosis of her by only asking some questions to those two people accompanied about her conditions. Further, one of the man accompanied signed on the Informed Consent Paper for Involuntary Commitment for Lily. As a result, Lily was sent into the isolated ward of that hospital for at least three months (since December of 2017).

As usual, Lily and the men who commit her, have different telling of the story. Lily said she was cheated to come to see the doctor without knowing where to go with her boyfriend’s colleagues. But the men denied this.

The most interesting thing here is that the psychiatrist listened to the men who commit her only, and made diagnosis based on such limited information without any investigation. Hence, the psychiatrist(s)(maybe more than one) issued the informed consent paper to these two men and accepted their signatures.

According to Mental Health Law which was launched in 2013, only guardians (who primarily are the close relatives) of the ‘patient’ have the privileges to approve the involuntary commitment and discharge of the ‘patient’ who is diagnosed to be ‘dangerous’ by psychiatrist

Obviously, the psychiatrists in Baiyun Hospital violated the law. Recently the administrative department of local authority issued an order to the hospital asking them to correct their medical behavior and urging them to regulate their ‘professional’ procedure.

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我们的新网站 madinasia.org

MadinAsia.org: 癫狂在亚洲

—— 一个亚洲地区社心自倡导者的交流平台



Mad in Asia (癫狂在亚洲)是一个在线平台,首要使命是改变关于疯癫、精神苦痛和精神医学服务的叙事。我们认为当前占据主导地位的生物医学模式和精神医学的“全球化”,并不足以解决我们社会心理受障者和社群的真实处境。我们需要的,是和情境密切相关的多重叙事。我们将聚焦在人权和社会心理障碍者社区融合方面。Mad in Asia 网站就提供了培育这样的叙事的空间,并由来自亚洲多个国家的社心受障者领导。同时与来自不同领域的人/群体协作:精神卫生社会工作者、学者、社运活动者、家庭和社区成员,以及其他任何对这个议题感兴趣并推动改变的网络人士。Mad in Asia 的一个核心使命是:拆解一直以来精神医学对精神/情绪苦痛的定义/处置方式的把持。我们对精神苦痛提供更多元的诠释,比现存的与精神苦痛相处之道提供更多样的解决/应对方法,并努力创造对话和跨文化交流。


  • 我们首要关注亚洲及社会心理受障者们做的事情,以及他们提升批判性思维和社会改革的人际网络。
  • 我们期待发表这样的哲学观点、理论、研究和实例:挑战西方精神医学霸权,并提升对苦痛、障碍、幸福和疗愈的多元理解。
  • 我们将展示来自亚洲不同地区的这样的实践和创新:促进社区融合、自我决策和人权,及挑战霸权的自上而下的作风。
  • Mad in Asia 将成为一个跨文化知识交换、学习和协作的枢纽。
  • 我们不会 发表这些文字:无脑支持/延续生物医学的主导性。




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TCI Asia 开放会员申请啦!


  • 个人会员申请: https://goo.gl/forms/6XbVfjTLKT1LDOAn2

  • 组织会员申请: https://goo.gl/forms/9QiJ9WUWJYpdcSnM2

我们欢迎你帮我们广传这份会员入会表给同样是致力于在你们的网络里促进社会心理障碍者权利的个人或组织。以下是 TCI Asia 简介:

TCI Asia(全称:亚洲,向社会心理障碍者融合转型的社区),是一个由亚洲的社心受障者和跨残障支持者组成的联盟,关注于监测和执行有精神健康问题和社会心理障碍人士的全部人权,这些人权由《联合国残障人权利公约》所设定。我们的聚焦点尤其在公约的第19条(独立生活和社区融入),我们会诠释亚洲在这个领域上的实践,并拓展这些教学法(pedagogy)。TCI Asia 现在的成员来自14个国家,有来自全国性的社心受障者联盟,也有个人;还有跨残障支持性组织以及一众技术支持机构。自2012年以来,TCI Asia 已经进行了几次国家动员访问、国家层面能力建设、督导(mentor)新晋领袖、主持多方利益相关者对话、开办关于融合的学习课程、大会和研究,以及策略发展工作坊。我们已囊括了15个会员国家,以强化这些地区的公约第19条的教学法和实践。TCI Asia 是个区域性DPO,期冀于为社区融合的和平转型设立一个示范。



  • 及时了解社心受障者权利的进步/进展;
  • 有机会从 TCI Asia 的活动中学习,并为之做一些贡献;
  • 有机会从 TCI Asia 的全国性活动中得到支持,这些活动包括:政策倡导、能力建设、向联合国提交意见/报告等等;
  • 有机会与其他国家的社会受障人士一起探讨重要的议题;
  • 有机会参加 TCI Asia 的会议,让自己跟上国际区域性的发展形势。


(对了,站长注:如您填写以下申请表,请电邮至 regaudit at tutanota.de。)



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Four Progresses Mha 1st Case

Four Progresses in The First Case of Mental Health Law of China

author: Yang Weihua Lawyer

source in Chinese (Lawyer Yang’s Wechat post

(This is just a translation by meaning. There are some words added and ignored by translator.)

Some background information:

The plaintiff of the first case in Mental Health Law of China, Xu Wei, is a man who has been committed to psychiatric hospital and institutions for about 14 years (from 2002 to 2017). When Mental Health Law was enacted in May of 2013, Xu Wei was able to ask for dischargement with the assistance of lawyer Yang and a dedicated NGO. Even though the MHL set explicitly the patient’s right to sue as well as their right to discharge by themselves (in the situation of no dangerousness), the persons with psychosocial(mental) disabilities can still be entitled as incapacitated or limited capacitated before the law. This is mainly regulated in civil laws of China. Thus, Xu Wei and lawyer Yang started their five-year long journey to fight for his right to discharge.

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Glance Of Private Abusive Institutions

A Glance of Chinese Abusive Private Educational Institutions

**Author/translator: Regaudit **

(may be subject to change due to the update of the event)

This article is to introduce a sort of private educational schools(institutions) which use violent and abusive methods to “educate” “problematic” young people. There are massive physical punishment, detention, child labor and aggressive word/behaviors done by the “teachers”/officers to every student in there. Many students suffer mental problems after being discharged from there and some even died or committed suicide before discharge. Mass media had reported these cases and the society knows about this, whereas such institutions exist legally by far, and the number of them does not seem to be decreased.

Who they are and What their purposes are?

The founder of such institutions are often those ex-teachers (who have previously teaching experience) or businessmen. They rent a workplace and bought some equipment, and that’s it. Then they would invest on advertisement to recruit students, and further, to advertise that they are proficient at “educating problematic young people such as teenagers who have internet addiction”. What they promise they are capable of treating or curing includes: internet addiction, truancy and tiredness of schooling, early-age dating, run-away from home, violence and fighting, etc. (quoted from: [1]. It is not difficult to find out such an institution by searching on Baidu.com .)

As a fact in such institutions there are three types teachers/officers: military training officer, psychological teacher and care-giver. Most of them have no certificate as a teacher. Some psychological teachers have psychological background while some others were just previously teachers of other majors. And the so called care-givers are just aunts and uncles who are recruited from the local communities. [2]

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Chinese Private Institution Torturing Young People

Chinese Private Institutions Are Still Torturing Young People

(Translated and collected from Weibo and Zhihu in Chinese language)
(may be subject to change due to the update of the event)

[Please HELP Spread this !]

On October 29th of 2017, a Weibo account (@黑客凯文) and a Zhihu (Chinese variant of Quora) account (@wei-jia-fu-98) had disclosed their experiences of being committed into a kind of private institutions – in the name of quitting internet addiction and/or learning Sinology(Chinese ancient/traditional culture), and therefore being tortured and physically and mentally abused.

The source links are (in Chinese): 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6
Public media has also reported: Sina Tech

Some background information:

It is widely known that there are many institutions built and run privately for the purposes including “helping” young people to quit “internet addiction syndromes”. Most of them are legal in Chinese administrative systems, (but not psychiatric hospitals). Some of them are registered as educational institutes while some others are registered as private medical institutes. Among them, the most notorious one is Yang Yongxin’s institution in Shandong province, whose abusive work had been disclosed by mass media several years ago but they are still alive and running.

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Situation China 2017

Current Situation in China

  1. MHL has been enacted for four years
    • Misuse of involuntary hospitalisation enforced by the State/Police reduced but there are still cases;
    • Involuntary hospitalisation enforced by parents/guardian/family members is still there, and there are cases that many persons were forced to admitted their commitment were “voluntary”.
    • The criteria of the Dangerousness is still evaluated and implemented by psychiatrists (not other parties or professions).
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